Microbrew Craft Beer made in a Micro Brewery
Microbrew, brewed micro beer.
What is microbrewing?
Micro brewing is a term used to describe small scale brewing. Brews are generally produced in a smaller production facility and many are made in smaller batches as opposed to mass produced brewed drinks. Microbreweries produce speciality beers or other fermented beverages including both alcoholic and non alcoholic kombucha.
Why are micro brewery’s becoming so popular?
Many consumers are opting for locally brewed, speciality beers. People are preferring to purchase and support locally made Australian brewed products made using Australian ingredients.
Many customers also prefer locally sourced products and made products that have lower air miles.
Customers also enjoy the unique flavour profiles on offer by speciality brewed beer and they can easily experiment with different styles and product options.
Many also prefer the cleaner ingredients used in the craft brewing process with many craft breweries opt for local ingredients, no or limited use of artificial ingredients, colours, flavours and preservatives.
Many Microbreweries are also creating a compelling brand story that is even more appealing to their target market and customer base.
There is a growing trend particularly among Gen X down including some of the younger generations to opt for craft brews made by microbreweries as opposed to commercially produced beverages.
Craft Brewery
what is a Craft Brewery?
Are Craft Breweries the same as microbreweries?
Although many people think that microbreweries and craft breweries are the same, they are actually different from one another.
The main difference being:
A: Brewing Techniques
B: Beer Production
Craft Beers should contain at least 50% traditional malt instead of wheat and barley.
These brews also need to adhere to certain standards which beer brewed in a micro brewery do not have to adhere to.
Craft breweries can have small or large beer production facilities as they can produce as many as six million barrels of beer a year.
A microbrewery doesn’t have limited brewing techniques. The only limitation for a micro brewery is the number of barrels they produce.
A microbrewery can be a craft brewery provided that they adhere to the specified standards and brewing techniques, though a craft brewery is not always a microbrewery.
Micro Carbonated Inline Beverage Filling Bottling Line – The perfect brewing system for making craft and micro beer.
Craft Brewery – Burleigh Heads, QLD
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