Youth Homeless -Not for Profit
Youth Homeless – Not for Profit, based in Sydney, NSW, Australia.
We assisted a not for profit based in Sydney, NSW, Australia by supplying them with a Rational Oven for their commercial kitchen so that they could continue to provide homeless youth with nourishing, warm hearty meals.
Youth Homeless
A warm hearty meal
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Thousands of young people experiencing homelessness in Australia, as services call for national plan.
The main cause of homelessness in Australia:
The main causes of youth homelessness are domestic and family violence, poverty and the housing crisis.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 35% of young people presenting alone for homelessness services across Australia have experienced domestic and family violence.
What is the rate of youth homelessness in Australia:
Analysis for youth aged from 12 to 24 years is provided in the next section. Of the 122,494 people experiencing homelessness in 2021: 25,504 (20.8%) were aged from 25 to 34 years. 17,646 (14.4%) were aged under 12 years.
Homelessness is worst in the large cities.
Most homeless people are in large cities mainly: Sydney and Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
Over 116,000 people each night are homeless.
There are many more people living in insecure housing, ‘one step away from being homeless’.
Over 122,000 people each night in Sydney are homeless and living on the street.